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Creation final result for our new item is confirmed and approve by our experts lengthy length experiences and will probably be able to make a strongly recommend for you that Uniden BC345CRS 500 Channel Clock/Radio Scanner with Weather Alert was designed from the extra intention and our best final determination. Spending our full attention and times in each and every production procedure, carrying on the modern day improvement concept and idea for consumer support, creating the modern day marketing technique, modifying item particularities in each and every particulars do cause our new smart item to the market for you.
Uniden BC345CRS 500 Channel Clock/Radio Scanner with Weather Alert is one of our proud merchandise which productive and wonderful. Rising the client members quickly come from the excellence reputation and intelligent item identity with a reasonable value for you and everybody to attempt.
The BC345CRS is a multi-featured conventional channel scanner. Easily enter and store frequencies for police, fire/emergency, marine, air and more into 500 channels over ten banks. The scanner also features AM/FM clock radio with snooze and NOAA weather broadcasts.
- 500 Channel Memory Availability
- Up to 90 Channel Per Second Memory Scanning
- Direct Channel Access and Channel Lockout
- Features: AM/FM Radio, Alarm Clock w/Snooze, Public Safety Scanner
- Weather (WX) Scan
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